Karma - What is Karma?
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In ECKANKAR we learn this is equally true for our thoughts, words and deeds. Karma is a universal law of cause and effect in action. Just as Soul returns to its creator so does everything we say and do in thought returns to us. This is karma in action and this law has a significant impact on our spiritual life, dreams, out of body experiences, and inner peace.
Karma as a Teacher
The purpose of this spiritual law is to teach Soul through its own free choice. These choices create our experience in this world and in the spiritual worlds beyond. Everything is influenced by Karma, our spiritual life and experiences, our physical life and reincarnations, our dreams and their meanings, our out of body experiences, and even the reality of God in our lives. Karma is a compassionate teacher designed to give Soul freedom to choose and learn through its own experiences. Through these experiences, Souls gain wisdom and understanding, moving closer to spiritual enlightenment.
The Cycle of Reincarnation
In ECKANKAR the reality of reincarnation is interconnected with karma. Karma and reincarnation guide Soul to return to this world to resolve past choices which leads to new experiences for spiritual growth. This cycle continues until Soul achieves a state of consciousness where it transcends karma, realizing its true, Divine nature.
Personal Responsibility and Spiritual Growth
The reality of karma teaches Soul personal responsibility as well. We learn in ECKANKAR that our lives and experiences are a direct result of our own free will. The role of Karma is to encourage Soul to live consciously, making choices that align with love, truth, and service to others based upon spiritual freedom.
Spiritual Liberation
ECKANKAR is the path of spiritual freedom—freedom from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Spiritual freedom includes freedom from any thought word or deed that prevents Soul from experiencing inner peace. By understanding the choices we make, in action and in thought in this world, Soul learns to resolve and transcend karma, attaining a higher state of spiritual awareness, culminating in our return to the heart of God within, a place where God is real.
In ECKANKAR, understanding the truth and purpose of karma guides us to spiritual awakening through our daily lives and even our dreams. Inner peace and spiritual freedom come as a result of understanding and applying the laws of karma in our lives. Karma serves as a guiding force on the Soul's journey towards enlightenment.
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Unlocking the Mysteries of Past Lives and Karma

Embark on a profound exploration of past lives, karma, and spiritual growth with the captivating Podcast, “Good Karma, Bad Karma—Beyond Karma!” by the ECKANKAR Soul Adventure Podcast. In this enlightening episode, guest Jason Young shares a transformative road trip experience where he uncovers glimpses of his past lives, shedding light on how delving into our past can pave the way for healing in the present.
The podcast weaves a mesmerizing narrative that delves deep into the realms of reincarnation, drawing parallels between personal experiences and historical events like the Donner Party. Through the lens of past life memories, listeners are invited to reflect on the hardships faced by pioneers, resonating with the spiritual journey of figures like Jay Fosdick. As the story unfolds, the narrative beautifully illustrates how exploring past lives, such as the poignant tale of Jay Fosdick, can bring closure, spiritual growth, and profound insights.
Furthermore, the podcast delves into the mystical realm of past life connections, with personal accounts of encountering an archeological site in Mexico that evoke memories of an Aztec priest. These intriguing anecdotes serve as poignant reminders of the intricate web that connects our present selves with our past incarnations, highlighting the profound impact of spiritual guides like Harold Klemp, the living Eck Master.
The podcast also shines a light on the transformative role of the Mahanta as a spiritual guide, illuminating pathways to resolve karma and nurture spiritual evolution. Through poignant reflections on spirituality, symbolic transformations, and the pursuit of love, responsibility, and spiritual freedom, listeners are encouraged to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
Immerse yourself in a world of spiritual revelations, significant encounters, and the transformative power of selfless service as you tune in to “Good Karma, Bad Karma—Beyond Karma!” Let this captivating podcast be your guide on a soul-stirring odyssey towards spiritual growth, enlightenment, and the eternal quest for inner peace.
The podcast weaves a mesmerizing narrative that delves deep into the realms of reincarnation, drawing parallels between personal experiences and historical events like the Donner Party. Through the lens of past life memories, listeners are invited to reflect on the hardships faced by pioneers, resonating with the spiritual journey of figures like Jay Fosdick. As the story unfolds, the narrative beautifully illustrates how exploring past lives, such as the poignant tale of Jay Fosdick, can bring closure, spiritual growth, and profound insights.
Furthermore, the podcast delves into the mystical realm of past life connections, with personal accounts of encountering an archeological site in Mexico that evoke memories of an Aztec priest. These intriguing anecdotes serve as poignant reminders of the intricate web that connects our present selves with our past incarnations, highlighting the profound impact of spiritual guides like Harold Klemp, the living Eck Master.
The podcast also shines a light on the transformative role of the Mahanta as a spiritual guide, illuminating pathways to resolve karma and nurture spiritual evolution. Through poignant reflections on spirituality, symbolic transformations, and the pursuit of love, responsibility, and spiritual freedom, listeners are encouraged to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
Immerse yourself in a world of spiritual revelations, significant encounters, and the transformative power of selfless service as you tune in to “Good Karma, Bad Karma—Beyond Karma!” Let this captivating podcast be your guide on a soul-stirring odyssey towards spiritual growth, enlightenment, and the eternal quest for inner peace.
When we break a spiritual law, whether willfully or in ignorance, it sets up a series of events that affect our health. It may affect our finances; it may affect our mental and emotional well-being. This happens time and time again, so that we add up what’s called karma – children of the five passions of the mind: anger, greed, lust, attachment, and vanity. These passions of the mind are the claws that hold Soul in the materialistic worlds. My role as the Living ECK Master is to reach every individual who has gotten enough experience in the classroom of the world to realize that there must be something more to life.”
Harold Klemp - Journey of Soul, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 1

Here is an excerpt from The Dream Master, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 8 by Harold Klemp discussing karma from past lives:
"Self-Responsibility versus Faith A broader understanding of how life really works comes with the recognition that self-responsibility is more important than faith. When a person has a certain illness, we learn it’s probably a condition brought forward from a past life. The individual chose to come into this life with that condition in order to learn a spiritual lesson. Faith is fine, but the belief that someone else is going to pay your debts is untrue. In Christianity, there is no real understanding of why certain things happen. “Why do children die?” they ask. “It’s not fair.” The questions arise because the theology isn’t broad enough to encompass the spiritual truth of God. When an ECKist makes a mistake spiritually in his day-to-day living, it creates karma, a debt. When a Christian makes such a mistake, it’s called sin. How is sin taken care of? Christians are told that Jesus, the redeemer, takes care of it. Believe in him and ye shall be saved—this sort of thing. In ECK we realize that, in one way or another, the person who created the debt is going to have to repay it. Somehow it is going to have to be balanced in his own ledger book. Faith is a starting point on the path to God. But faith in ECK is based on knowledge, and knowledge is based on experience. Experience brings awareness, and awareness leads to a greater trust in ECK."
"Self-Responsibility versus Faith A broader understanding of how life really works comes with the recognition that self-responsibility is more important than faith. When a person has a certain illness, we learn it’s probably a condition brought forward from a past life. The individual chose to come into this life with that condition in order to learn a spiritual lesson. Faith is fine, but the belief that someone else is going to pay your debts is untrue. In Christianity, there is no real understanding of why certain things happen. “Why do children die?” they ask. “It’s not fair.” The questions arise because the theology isn’t broad enough to encompass the spiritual truth of God. When an ECKist makes a mistake spiritually in his day-to-day living, it creates karma, a debt. When a Christian makes such a mistake, it’s called sin. How is sin taken care of? Christians are told that Jesus, the redeemer, takes care of it. Believe in him and ye shall be saved—this sort of thing. In ECK we realize that, in one way or another, the person who created the debt is going to have to repay it. Somehow it is going to have to be balanced in his own ledger book. Faith is a starting point on the path to God. But faith in ECK is based on knowledge, and knowledge is based on experience. Experience brings awareness, and awareness leads to a greater trust in ECK."
What is Karma?
"Karma - This is the principle of individual responsibility for every thought, word, and deed. It is an educational process for SOULS gaining experience in the LOWER WORLDS.
Karma is cause and effect, action and reaction, reaping what one sows, balancing the scales of justice. It is a system of credits (good karma) and debits (bad karma) overseen by the Lords of Karma. The purpose is to purify Soul."
Karma is cause and effect, action and reaction, reaping what one sows, balancing the scales of justice. It is a system of credits (good karma) and debits (bad karma) overseen by the Lords of Karma. The purpose is to purify Soul."
"The Four Types of Karma
- Primal karma, karma not earned by the individual Soul - that which was established to begin Soul's journey in the lower worlds.
- Daily karma, which is made hour to hour and day to day; new karma created by the actions during this life.
- Fate karma, the sum of good and bad karma from Soul's account record which sets the conditions for Its next incarnation; each lifetime of choices creates one's fate, or destiny, for subsequent lives.
- Reserve karma, a surplus of credits and debits from PAST LIVES, issued to a Soul in Its present incarnation at the behest of the Lords of Karma."
Eckopedia - The ECKANKAR Lexicon by Harold Klemp